Sunday, August 4, 2024

Loch Ness Monster

 Loch Ness Monster

This is an alleged image of the Loch Ness Monster, and subsequent images of the monster’s presumed habitat.

The Loch Ness Monster is a gargantuan marine creature who is believed by some to inhabit the Loch Ness territory of Scotland. Much of this evidence supporting its alleged existence, however, has been widely discredited over the years, and is most commonly believed to be a mythological creature of fairytale origin. The history of these sightings date back to ancient times. Stone carvings of the past additionally depict the monster in terrific form. The first ever recorded observation of the monster occurred in the 7th century biography of St. Columbia. It is noted that in 565 AD, the monster bit somebody in the water and was preparing to attack another person, when Columba intervened and ordered the beast to retreat. Upon this obedience, occasional sightings were the only reports of this mysterious creature. The alleged encounters are mostly inspired by Scottish folklore, with its abundance of mythical water-adjacent beings. In 1933, the monster gained more attention, as a road adjacent to the Loch Ness Lake offered two tourists in a vehicle to obtain an unobstructed view of a creature “comparable to a dragon or prehistoric monster”. The story became famous in the Scottish newspaper, with many subsequent observations from other tourists in tow. Reporting of the beast has continued throughout the years, but without discernible evidence, there can be no confidence in confirming either the existence or fictionality of this mythological being.

1 comment:

  1. I grew up genuinely believing that this monster was real. I've seen recently that they've done sonar of the entire loch and there's no marine life able to be picked up. I'm not gonna lie, the loch is deep and who really knows what's down there. Even scarier is the ocean, even today, humans have only documented 5% of the ocean and explored less that 3.5% of the total volume if you trust google. Hopefully whatever is out there stays there and we can coexist.
