Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Blog 1 - Sleep Paralysis and The Hat Man

    The phenomenon I wanted to focus on was sleep paralysis and paranormal hallucinations. Sleep paralysis can be described as a temporary paralysis that occurs after waking from sleep. In most instances the person going through paralysis can see, hear, and feel things. Sometimes they might even experience the paranormal. In multiple cases, those who have suffered from sleep paralysis claim to have experienced demons or shadow-like figures while awake and unable to move. Sometimes they may also see a loved one who either passed on or is not there. Many people claim that these entities stare at them, touch them, crawl onto their beds, or even mutter words towards them. An interesting experience has been described by many involves an entity named "The Hat Man".  The Hat Man has been described by people of many different cultures. Some claim he is 6 foot and others say he is 10 feet. Sometimes he is described as having a physical body and sometimes he is more opaque and mist-like. With all of the stories being told there are always slight differences in appearance but one thing that remains constant is the type of hat he wears and his clothing. He is said to have a black hat with a round brim (similar to a fedora), and a black trench coat.

    So what exactly causes sleep paralysis and why do people see these scary entities? Our understanding of sleep is still incomplete but our knowledge is growing every single day. Sleep paralysis is speculated to be a result of a lack of sleep, sometimes caused by other sleep related illnesses. These illnesses include narcolepsy, idiopathic insomnia, and sleep apnea. The lack of sleep causes the body to stay asleep, even after the brain wakes up. This is why the body cannot move but the person is conscious. Since the brain just woke up, it can still be experiencing a REM-like state. This can cause vivid hallucinations and make an individual feel like they are still in a dream. Since a person cannot move during these experiences, they may begin to panic, thus causing these hallucinations. There is currently no solutions to prevent sleep paralysis but many claim that a positive state-of-mind can prevent the scary hallucinations.


  1. This is so interesting! I've seen some posts joking about the hat man online but I had no idea he was so popular. It seems very common that these sleep paralysis demons have a human form.

  2. I've heard similar stories of this sleep paralysis demon on a youtube channel called Mr. Nightmare. It is scary to think that so many people have encountered this entity, which further enhances the credibility of its existence, and subsequent impact on victims who encounter it.

  3. I have had sleep paralysis multiple times and there was a time in my life that it would happen almost every time I went to sleep. It is interesting to hear about others' experiences with sleep paralysis because I rarely see other beings while in this state. I have heard of the hat man and I wonder if it is so popular because people are aware of it and think about it before they go to sleep causing them to see this figure.

  4. Enjoyed reading your post Alex. I have experienced sleep paralysis a few times, it's such a strange feeling. As for the Hat Man, I've only seen him one time when I accidentally took far to much Benadryl trying to deal with seasonal allergies....whoops!
