Sunday, July 28, 2024

BlogPost # 2 The Slenderman

I enjoyed reading up on the Jersey Devil and the other supernatural beasts, I wanted to inform (and warn) you all of the one being that haunts me while walking through the woods…. The Slenderman.

The Slenderman is a very tall, thin individual observed to be between 7 to 14 feet high and is usually seen wearing a black suit with a white featureless face. Some observations have seen tentacle-like appendages emerging from his back. These are thought to help capture and manipulate his victims. Prior to camcorders and cell phones most thought the Slenderman’s MO was to capture children and young adults and impale them on trees allowing them to bleed out before removing their organs. With more documented cases it appears that nowadays he tends to target individuals who encountered him as children, often stalking them for years. He does this so subtly that the targets are often unaware of his presence for months, years, or even decades. Typically, the victim remains oblivious to his attention until it's far too late. Due to the contagious nature of Slenderman’s attacks, a victim might not even realize they are causing others to be targeted, as they themselves may be unaware they are being stalked.

Slenderman possesses a number of supernatural abilities including teleportation, the ability to shorten or lengthen his arms at will, and mind control. Additionally, when in the presence of the Slenderman, people have reported being afflicted with the “Slender sickness”. The sickness can cause nausea, paranoia, nightmares, and coughing up blood along with nosebleeds. Unfortunately, at this time there is no surefire way to get rid of the Slenderman once he picks you. It doesn’t seem as though he can be killed, nor banished. The only known way of minimizing his presence once he’s found you is to try and not let your fear overcome you. Acknowledging his presence without showing fear seems to keep him at a distance, as it feeds off of your fear and negative emotions.

In conclusion, while the Slenderman remains a terrifying figure, understanding his methods and characteristics can help us stay vigilant. Whether he is a product of our darkest fears or something more tangible, the key to surviving his presence lies in managing our fear and staying informed. Remember, knowledge and a calm mind may be our best defenses against this mysterious entity lurking in the shadows. Stay safe, stay aware, and may you never find yourself in his sights.




  1. I remember watching a video of young girls that claimed that they were possessed by slender man and attempted to murder one of their friends as a sacrifice. I never realized that this creature was one of the hidden creatures people reportedly see. I always just thought it was a legend from a scary story that people tell. I never knew of "slender sickness" or the extent of the terror this creature causes.

  2. Your post really captures the eerie essence of this modern urban legend. It's fascinating how these contemporary myths can feel so real and spread so quickly, especially in the age of the internet. Your point about managing fear being the best defense is intriguing.
