Saturday, July 20, 2024

Blog #3

Ever since we learned about the Salem Witch Trials in High School, it has always been a topic of interest for me. The witch trials was an incredibly tragic and sad event in history, where over tens of thousands of individuals, mainly women, were accused of witchcraft and executed. This tragic event in history caused fear and tensions in many cultural backgrounds, leaving a negative effect on their memories and knowledge of the past events. This specific topic caught my attention because it is so upsetting how unfair it was for so many innocent individuals to be executed and blamed for such a terrible thing. The effects of the accusations were terrifying and cruel, ranging from torture methods known as the use of thumbscrews and water ordeals to torture and execute these individuals. 

It is crazy to think that in Salem, a group of young girls that were supposedly showing signs of weird behaviors raised suspicion of witchcraft, leading to more than 200 people being accused of witchcraft and over 15 plus were executed. In regards to this topic, what fascinates me most how easy it is for society to give into the mass injustices and hysteria that surrounds them , disregarding the fear and injustices the innocent individuals faced. 

To me, it is interesting and also fascinating how many many years later, the witch trials are still studied today, and the dangers and injustice is highlighted and the brutal consequences are still studied today. Even though this is a topic I was first introduced to in High School, it is still a topic that never fails to raise questions and spark my interest. I wish to visit the Memorial in Massachusetts that serves as a reminder of all of the individuals that suffered and passed due to the unfairness and cruelty that surrounded them. This topic will never fail fascinate me. 

1 comment:

  1. I also have always been really interested in the Salem Witch Trials since I first learned about it reading the Crucible in high school. I thought it was so fascinating how this small group of girls can cause such hysteria to occur and how serious the prospect of finding a witch was. It is hard to imagine people really believing all of the women who were accused were actually witches, but knowledge and ways of thinking were very different back then. It is sad to know how many lives were lost due to this crazy reasoning. I also would love to visit Salem one day.
