Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Three Kinds of Thinkers

 In the lecture slides, we talked about how there are three distinct types of thinkers: the naive thinker, the selfish critical thinker, and the fair-minded critical thinker. I think knowing and understanding what kind of thinker you are can be beneficial to not only you but society as well. It can provide insights into how we approach challenges and interact with others. 

  • A naive thinker is someone who lacks critical evaluation skills and tends to accept information or ideas without any question. They usually rely on intuition and emotions instead of examining information or considering alternative viewpoints. 

  • The selfish critical thinker prioritizes personal gain and self-interest over fair evaluation. They often use logical reasoning and persuasive arguments to justify their actions or beliefs, not thinking about the impact on others.

  •  A fair-minded critical thinker is an individual who has a genuine commitment to impartial evaluation, open-mindedness, and intellectual integrity. This type of thinker actively seeks out diverse perspectives, engages in a thorough analysis of information, and weighs evidence objectively before forming conclusions.

 Overall, by recognizing our thinking patterns and actively striving to become fair-minded critical thinkers, we can contribute to a more intellectually honest society.

1 comment:

  1. Hi faith,
    I enjoyed reading your post and also agree with you! It kind of makes me wonder why people say a college education is a waste time. But part of our lectures like the one you discussed above is only a small reason as to why a college education is invaluable. We don't go to our classes everyday to learn a specific skill set, we go to build neural connections. Our classes in a way rewires our brain, and increases neuroplasticity. In other words it teaches us to become fair minded critical thinkers. As you mentioned we can contribute to a more intellectually honest society.
