Growing up, my uncle always used to tell us stories about the jersey devil in hopes to scare us. When I saw this as a topic in the course, it made me think of all the times that we used to talk about it. We used to sit around the campfire and he would tell us about how the Jersey Devil lived in the Pine Barrens and it was funny to see that this tale has been going on for ages with other people as well. After I learned more about the history of the Jersey Devil and how it had come from Quaker Gossip, I was more interested. I began to look up pictures of people who believe that they were able to capture the Jersey Devil and it was interesting to see that this was not what I had pictured or imagined as a child.

When I was younger I never thought the Jersey Devil looked like what the supposed photos have depicted him to look like as well. My uncle mentioned that he had seen him about five minutes from where I live and described a creature that looks more like a devil not a flying goat that everyone seems to believe. This course has made me reflect on all the times people in my family have mentioned the Jersey Devil, some believe him to be real while most others use the myth as a joke about the history of where they came from.