Ghosts and the like are another topic that has always interested me. While I have yet to make up my mind about whether I believe myself or not, I do like to indulge in stories about them. I have seen multiple television shows that bring in witnesses to tell their stories about supernatural events in their life. Most are quite comical actually such as one program called Celebrity Ghost Stories, because you know every celebrity has had an unexplained encounters. Or another called Mountain Monsters where a team of rednecks travels around the country, running around in the woods waving guns like total idiots while they chase after whatever local monster people claim to have seen. Every once in awhile you do find a show that is better than the others because it takes pseudoscience in another direction. Ghost Hunters, a show that used to be on the SyFy channel prided themselves on trying to prove that the spirits that people claim haunt their homes, businesses and historical buildings are not real before saying that the odd events that occur in those places can't be explained. I enjoy their investigations much more than the shows about psychic detectives that come in and read the energies of the house and probably charge the poor family a lot of money for nothing.
I think that there are so many claims out there because believing in cryptids and ghosts is fun. Its fun to be able to think that there is something out there that science has yet to discover or that science can't even explain yet. And imagine what it would be like if any of these actually did exist and we found it. There are so many things that we would be able to learn from them scientifically, although I fear that if we ever do find something like a cryptid science will kill it.
There's even a Bigfoot research society!

I always found ghost studies silly but fun in a ways. I much prefer the ancient alien hypothesis when it comes to the realm of superstition research.
ReplyDeleteI honestly wish we could find solid evidence for creatures like these to exist; I agree with you that it's fun to be able to think something else is out there. I'm sure there is, but evidence won't be found until many years from now. Maybe we need newer technology to create experiments that would help us conclude our thoughts on this. The Ghost Whisperer is also a good show to watch, if you haven't seen it.
ReplyDeleteI believe in ghosts. I have had a few auditory experiences, but I never physically seen one. There has to be something out there. There are too many investigators claiming to have experienced some sort of event with the paranormal. We see it on television particularly around halloween. Some of the material they gather seems ligit and others are questionable.
ReplyDeleteI believe in ghosts. I have had a few auditory experiences, but I never physically seen one. There has to be something out there. There are too many investigators claiming to have experienced some sort of event with the paranormal. We see it on television particularly around halloween. Some of the material they gather seems ligit and others are questionable.