A popular belief held throughout
history is that if you disturb a mummy’s final resting place, you will be
cursed to die. Many thought that this may be a ploy by the Egyptian government
to stop grave robberies. It was really just created to preserve the Valley of
the Kings. However, in 1923 some strange things started happening after the
monumental discovery of King Tut’s tomb. First, Howard Carter’s (the archaeologist who discovered the tomb) beloved pet canary died by a cobra bite.
Many people felt that the cobra was personally sent by King Tut because they
were often symbolic of the power of Egyptian rulers. It was predicted that this
would be the first of many deaths and indeed, this was the case. Next to die
was Lord Carnarvon. He was the current Earl of Highclere Castle (fictionally
known as Downton Abbey) and fully funded Howard Carter’s expedition. Lord
Carnarvon was bitten by a mosquito, and then he nipped his neck while shaving. He
then tragically died of blood poisoning. One of Howard Carter’s best friends,
Sir Bruce Ingham had his house burn down twice. It was said that he received
the gift of a mummy’s hand that had a bracelet which contained a warning that
anyone who possessed it would be doomed. In the years following the opening of
the tomb, nine more individuals who were closely associated with the tomb died
horrible deaths.

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