"Nessie" or the Loch Ness Monster is a large creature that is said to roam around the fresh water Loch Ness. With false evidence and unproven sightings this monster is most commonly depicted as a surviving plesiosaur. The earliest report of the creature came from Saint Columba, an Irish monk, who was witnessing a burial near the River Ness, which flowed from Loch Ness. He witnessed the man swimming across the river when he was pulled down by a "water beast". He sent in his follower, Luigne mocci Min into the river to help the Picts save the man and the beast came after him. Columba immediately made the sign of the cross and told the beast to "Go no further. Do not touch the man. Go back at once." Right then, the beast went back and fled in terror.
After this miraculous story, there have been many eyewitness accounts over the years that have actually seen the monster but much evidence is false or not there to backup the story. What's surprising is that many of the people who have witnessed the monster were lawyers, priests, policemen, fishermen, and even a Nobel Prize winner. Without solid evidence this creature is deemed to be non-existant, but people will keep on trying to search the depths of Loch Ness to uncover the legend that is the Loch Ness Monster.
This was on the final even though it was just posted last weekend, I don't understand?