Losing Weight but Still Have Belly Bulge?
It may take more than diet and exercise to fight belly fat
Discover a natural anti-stress, mood-elevating pill that can positively alter a factor associated with the accumulation of stress-related belly fat.*
It may take more than diet and exercise to fight belly fat
Discover a natural anti-stress, mood-elevating pill that can positively alter a factor associated with the accumulation of stress-related belly fat.*
According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (http://www.bls.gov/home.htm), the average person spends approximately 7.6 hours per day working, another 2 hours a day providing child care, (if one attends educational activities) another 2.7 hours a day performing school related homework/class time. Add on approximately 45 minutes for commute (Gallup poll http://www.gallup.com/poll/28504/workers-average-commute-roundtrip-minutes-typical-day.aspx) as well as other daily obligations and time management now includes quick meals resulting in an increasing waistline. American’s answer: “fat burner” pills and supplements.
On May 21, 2010, Ali Gorman, R.N. of WPVI Channel 6 News “Banishing Belly Fat” discusses such supplements and their effects. Her interview with Dr. Daniel Monti of Jefferson University Hospital's Integrative Medicine revealed that fat burning supplements may contain an ingredient called magnolia bark extract which may cause a “calming effect”, but this ingredient has not been proven to decrease cortisol and lead to weight loss. Why is a calming effect so important, studies have shown that stress can be a leading cause in “belly fat”.
Relacore is one of the leading “fat burning” supplements and are marketing their product as an effective way to burn away the fat produced by stress. Relacore’s website: http://www.relacore.com/ even addresses the “research behind Relacore” but provides no factual data only key phrases as “it stands to reason that a scientifically sound approach to reducing cortisol production in the body is to reduce stress” and “in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise program, Relacore’s proprietary compounds help reduct the stress…”
On May 21, 2010, Ali Gorman, R.N. of WPVI Channel 6 News “Banishing Belly Fat” discusses such supplements and their effects. Her interview with Dr. Daniel Monti of Jefferson University Hospital's Integrative Medicine revealed that fat burning supplements may contain an ingredient called magnolia bark extract which may cause a “calming effect”, but this ingredient has not been proven to decrease cortisol and lead to weight loss. Why is a calming effect so important, studies have shown that stress can be a leading cause in “belly fat”.
Relacore is one of the leading “fat burning” supplements and are marketing their product as an effective way to burn away the fat produced by stress. Relacore’s website: http://www.relacore.com/ even addresses the “research behind Relacore” but provides no factual data only key phrases as “it stands to reason that a scientifically sound approach to reducing cortisol production in the body is to reduce stress” and “in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise program, Relacore’s proprietary compounds help reduct the stress…”
So save the $30 plus shipping and take the advice of Ali Gorman and Dr. Monti that exercise of the entire body, especially the big muscles, eating a healthier diet and getting proper sleep so your hormones won’t be imbalance is the only safe way to lose the belly fat.
I'm not so proud to admit this, but I have tried this product. It's no different from the 100's of other "promising" diet pills out there.. Oh well. $20 later, I learned something.