Approximately every ten years, there comes along a very real threat centering around the apocalypse. In the 1990s, there was planetary alignment. Then we dealt with y2k. This time around, people around the globe are sitting and waiting for the next religious cult movement filled with crazies who are certain that the world is going to end in 2012.
While it should be apparent that we, as rational sentient human beings, should finally adopt a "been there, done that" attitude on this whole silly end of the world thing, unfortunately, we haven't. Even more disappointing is that the History channel, which is more often than not assumed to be a viable source of information, has also jumped on the crazy theory train. And any effective cult leader knows: It's easier to scare the hell out of people when they trust you first. Embarrassingly, I was one of those people.
This was, of course, until I discovered that the History channel seems to be romantically enamored with doomsday theories on the whole and has a different documentary for every single idea ever proposed by anyone anywhere. Why? Because it makes money. Bravo, History channel, you sly dog, you.
Fortunately, to counterbalance the lying harlot that is the History channel, we have words of wisdom from National Geographic. What can we learn from this, now?
Well. I don't know about you, but I suppose this means that the world's not allowed to end until National Geographic says it can.
People are obsessed with this theory. I mean, even all the movies coming out recently are about the end of the world. I don't mean to say that they all focus on 2012, but just the end in general. Our society is completely focused on how things are going to end, and the tension is really growing.
ReplyDeleteAs for the History channel, I feel like every time I turn on that channel, they're talking about 2012, so I don't even watch it any more. It's getting really old.
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